Firearms Freedom Act

Published on 24 February 2010 by in General News


The Firearms Freedom Act is a legal challenge to the powers of Congress justified by the “commerce clause” which gives the federal government the power to control interstate commerce. The FFA declares that if a firearm or ammunition is manufactured, sold, and retained in-state, that firearm or ammunition does not qualify as interstate commerce and is therefore not subject to federal regulation.

The bill cites the second and tenth amendments, as well as the contract made between the United States and the people of the state at the time of that state’s admission to the Union. The Firearms Freedom Act was originally introduced and passed in Montana; since then a twin bill has passed in Tennessee, and has been introduced in 22 more states, including Kentucky HB 87. Several other state legislatures have announced that copies of the bill will be introduced at their next meeting.

The entire bill is refreshingly brief. Click here to take a look.

For an overview of how the Firearms Freedom Act is sweeping the country, click here.

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