Rand Paul really means it

Published on 13 March 2010 by admin in General News


Some politicians are picking up on the rhetoric of reform, promising to support balanced budgets, term limits, and an end to pork barrel spending. It is a message that resonates because, while America may be weakened by bureaucracy, entitlement, and waste, Americans are strong and yearning for freedom. And as more Americans are waking up to the realization of what’s at stake, many are better able to discern when someone is just telling them what they want to hear.

Kentuckians are coming to realize that Rand Paul really means it when he talks about fundamental reform of the way America does business. A federal government that follows the U.S. Constitution and spends only what it has will of necessity be much different. And bureaucrats will fight ferociously to keep us on our current unsustainable path.

Democratic Party operatives are gleefully putting together scary ads to paint a picture of an America with more capitalism, not less, to run against Rand Paul this fall. But Kentuckians in larger numbers are realizing that if we don’t return to our roots now, we may not be able to recover from our nation’s age of intemperance.

An inscription on a plaque in Carney, Nebraska dedicated to our nation’s pioneers reads “The COWARDS never started.
The WEAK died on the way. Only the STRONG survived.”

For Kentuckians, the journey begins this morning with a Tea Party sponsored U.S. Senate candidates debate at Evangel Conference Center in Louisville at 10am. Rand Paul will describe in detail his vision for restoring greatness to America. Will you join him?

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