Make your stand for Liberty today
Dear Friend,
Today is the day. As we celebrate Patriots’ Day and remember the revolution our founding fathers fought, let us also remember this: Each generation is called to fight for liberty in its own way. If we do not, it will continue to slip from our grasp. If, as Ronald Reagan once said, American is the "last, best hope for man", then Patriots like you are who will win the battle.
I’m asking for your help today in our fight for Liberty in Kentucky. As you know, I am now leading my establishment, DC insider backed opponent, with just under a month to go in the primary.
But he’s certainly pulling out all the stops. Bringing in Washington insiders like Dick Cheney and Senator Rick Santorum to prop him up. Lying about my views. Smearing me and my family. It goes on and on each day.
But we can put a stop to all of that. WIth your help today, my campaign for U.S. Senate will have the resources necessary to take the fight to the establishment — all the way to the finish line on May 18.
If you’re willing to stand up with me one more time today, please click HERE to contribute.
As you probably know, I went to my first Republican National Convention in 1976, when Ronald Regan launched a grassroots conservative challenge to a liberal Republican. Against all odds, he came within a hair of defeating a sitting President, then came back to win 2 terms for himself in the coming years.
I will close here with another quote from Reagan, that reminds us we are responsbile for joining the charge for Liberty:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - Ronald Reagan
This campaign is being run to lead the fight to take our government back, from all those who would take our liberty.
Please do whatever you can today to help make the last few weeks of our fight for this nomination possible.
Please click HERE to donate today. Thank you for all you’ve done for our campaign, and for your country.
In Liberty,
Rand Paul, MD
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