Today is the last Saturday for Dr. Paul to earn votes before Tuesday’s election, and Rand is setting a brisk pace as he pushes toward victory.
Dr. Paul started the day off with a great event in Louisville where he received another wonderful reception and plenty of media attention.
Right now, Rand is on the road and will arrive shortly at his Northern Kentucky Campaign Headquarters located at 8184 Mall Road in Florence. Lots of supporters are expected to turn out.
At 4:00 pm, Dr. Paul will head to the Parkette Drive-In, located at 1230 East New Circle Road in Lexington for a final meeting with area voters.
Finally, Rand will wrap his busy day at the Scott County Lincoln Day Dinner.
A schedule like this is a lot of work, but Dr. Paul is deeply inspired by all of the tremendous support he has received from concerned Kentuckians and will not let up as we all head to a big win on Tuesday!
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