Bowling Green, Kentucky - The national healthcare scheme passed by the Obama Administration is a threat to the health and freedom of millions of Kentuckians. Kentucky’s Attorney General, Jack Conway, not only refuses to stand up to Washington, he’s been one of the biggest cheerleaders of the Washington insiders as they plot to destroy the greatest healthcare system in the world.

For the first time in American history, not only will the federal government force you to purchase health insurance, but it will force you to purchase a government-sanctioned plan. They don’t care if you can afford it or not. They don’t care if you have a plan you like better. They don’t care about anything other than control and power.

It will have a devastating effect. In fact, it already has. Take a look at what the Wall Street Journal has to say about Doctors and healthcare: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703315404575250264210294510.html?KEYWORDS=health+care+reform

As your U.S. Senator, Rand Paul will work every day to repeal the mandates contained in this bill, as well as to enact true health insurance reform that preserves the best of our current system while making healthcare more affordable for millions of Americans.

He pledges to do this by:

1. Treating health insurance like life insurance, where you purchase in 5, 10 even 20 year plans, rather than one year plans.
2. Allowing access to high deductible plans with health savings accounts, so Americans will bring consumer thriftiness into the healthcare market
3. Enacting real tort reform so that trial lawyers don’t continue to drive up healthcare costs.

“These are reforms Rand’s opponent can’t support with any credibility because he has already sold out to this Obamacare mess.” Says David Adams, campaign spokesman.

Rand Paul will return control of your healthcare to where it belongs-he will return it to you.

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