In a campaign video when he was running for attorney general in 2007, Jack Conway promised to create a drug task force before even taking office.

“If I’m elected, before I’m sworn in, I’m going to convene a task force of prosecutors and law enforcement officials from around the state and we’re going to take a look at what we can propose to the Kentucky General Assembly to make a difference in the fight against drugs…” Conway said in the video.

But this ‘promise’ resulted in a 571-day delay in even getting the task force off the ground.

According to the Louisville Courier-Journal:

“Conway promised to convene a drug task force before he was sworn in and make specific proposals to fight drugs to the legislature. While that apparently did not happen, with drug abuse exploding across Kentucky…” (The Courier-Journal, August 21, 2009)

Jack Conway hasn’t kept his promises to Kentucky as Attorney General. How can he be trusted to keep his promises once he heads to Washington?

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