Rand Paul Campaign Rips Conway Ad that Depicts Paul as Anti-Christian
Source: Click Here - The Weekly Standard
The Weekly Standard has a story about the shameful and despicable campaign ad released by Jack Conway. Here is a snippet of their coverage:
Any time a campaign begins attacking its opponent’s college behavior-to say nothing of the opponent’s religion-isn’t it a sign that the campaign is in its death throes? The Conway attack on Paul smacks of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s mentioning Obama’s cocaine use
Rand Paul’s campaign manager Jesse Benton isn’t taking the attack on Paul’s Christianity so lightly. He responds with this statement:
“Today, Jack Conway stepped way over the line and released a shameful and despicable ad that questions Dr. Paul’s Christian faith. Dr. Paul and Jack Conway may disagree on many issues and the best direction for our country, but personal attacks on Rand’s faith are way out of bounds.
“Rather than address the pressing issues of our time, Jack Conway is shameless doing what so many desperate politicians do at the last minute - resorting to revolting personal smears.
“Kentuckians are sick of gutter politics, and Conway should be ashamed. A candidate who would use such a despicable and desperate attack clearly doesn’t understand the values of the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.”
To read the entire article click here
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