WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Rand Paul proposed an amendment to the Pipeline Transportation Safety Improvement Act of 2011 (S.275), to fix the bill and its pipeline testing requirements as recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board in a recent report on pipeline safety. It is awaiting final passage, which could occur as early as this evening.

Sen. Paul’s initial objection to the legislation came from the fact that the bill was written before the accident report on the 2010 San Bruno, Calif., pipeline explosion had been completed.

“The government was trying to pretend it fixed a problem that it had not even properly diagnosed. As a physician and a citizen this bothered me. And they were trying to do it with no time for consideration,” Sen. Paul said. “I originally objected to the bill as it was written before. Is it not bad policy to pass regulations without reading the corresponding accident report? I certainly believe that it is.”

“The pipeline regulations bill did not even begin to solve the problems that led to the recent tragedies. While I am in favor of as little regulation as necessary, if we are going to impose regulations, we should do it right. After reading the safety report and meeting with industry executives, federal regulators and NTSB officials, I have found a way to address the problems more thoroughly through these regulations, while limiting their scope and unnecessary red tape,” he continued. “My proposal will be unanimously passed and accepted by both sides, further proving that my actions have enriched this legislation.”

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  5. Patriot’s Pipeline Radio Show tonight with Rand Paul & RJ Harris

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