Today, July 21, 2010, Senate conservatives fought back against the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda by forcing votes on important amendments. Rand Paul gave his position on these issues of importance to Kentucky voters — will Jack Conway?

Will Jack stand with Kentucky taxpayers and concerned citizens, or will he continue to dodge and evade, all the while raising liberal special interest money?

Issue 1: Death Tax Repeal

The Senate voted on the DeMint motion to permanently repeal the Death Tax. Rand Paul supports keeping this job crushing tax in its grave where it belongs. Jack Conway has said he wants to allow this immoral tax to return, but won’t say to what level. Conway claims to want to exempt some family farms, but these are most likely empty promises, as his liberal allies certainly don’t have Kentucky agriculture’s best interest on their minds. The best way to ensure Kentucky Farmers don’t have to pay a revived Death Tax is to keep it at ZERO.

Issue 2: Federal Government Suing Arizona over Illegal Immigration law

The Senate also voted to defund the federal lawsuit against the state of Arizona. No matter what you think of Arizona’s law, the fact the Obama Admonition is using the courts to sue Arizona for trying to solve its illegal immigration problem is a disgrace.

The federal government has long ignored its duty to protect our borders and enforce our immigration laws. In desperation, Arizona has tried to take matters into its own hands. The federal government should focus its energy and resources on actual border security, rather than suing a state for being forced into action.

Rand Paul would have voted FOR today’s push to keep the Death tax dead and to defund the Federal lawsuit against Arizona.

Where is Jack?

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