WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, Sept. 22, Sen. Rand Paul will travel on Air Force One with President Obama to assay the conditions at the Brent Spence Bridge in Northern Kentucky.

“I am looking forward to speaking with the President in my home state to address the express need for attention to our nation’s critical infrastructure needs. I will present him with my plan to prioritize these projects by freeing up funding to fix our broken roads and bridges, for which America’s businesses and commerce is so dependent,” Sen. Paul said.

The bill will create an emergency bridge fund. Money for this fund will come from funds previously set aside for unnecessary projects like turtle tunnels, squirrel sanctuaries, movie theaters and flower beds. It will also direct the Highway Funds Administrator to develop a national priority list for bridge and road repair emergencies and disburse the money based on the urgency of the project.

On Friday, Sen. Paul will join Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez in Louisville at the Sherman Minton Bridge to present them with this plan.

“If the President and the Administration are serious about fixing bridges, they will consider this plan as the best approach to saving our most necessary infrastructure,” Sen. Paul continued.

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