Rand Paul’s efforts for governmental reform have met with an overwhelmingly positive reception while traveling around the state, getting an especially enthusiastic response at Tea Parties.
To expand on recent coverage by Joseph Gerth of the Courier Journal, Rand favors twelve year term limits for both representatives and senators.
Rand is aware such a rule could remove his father, Rep. Ron Paul (who also supports term limits,) but believes the overall result would be less corruption and special interest influence in Washington, and promote the election of more candidates who would promote liberty and actually represent the people.
Rand vigorously defended property rights and free market solutions during his visit to Pikeville last weekend. Chris Anderson of the Appalachian News-Express reports:
Paul said several times during the appearance he believes coal mining policy is an issue of private property and the federal government should not be involved in making coal mining policy. He also said cap-and-trade would be a disaster for Kentucky.
“I believe in private property and I think that will end up defending the coal industry,” he said. “Even if we had no coal in our state I’d still defend private property. And if you own private property, as long as you don’t damage someone else’s property, you have the right do with your own property as you wish.”
Paul said he has not met anyone during his visits to Eastern Kentucky who have complained about coal mining or their property being damaged by mining.
Paul, the son of former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, said liberals in Washington, D.C., and California have a hypocritical view of environmental policy and their lobbying activities traveling to and from Washington in private jets which are causing more pollution than the average person will cause in “a hundred years.”
Paul said he would rather the policing of coal mining be done locally, rather than nationally.
Read more here.
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