Today, July 21, 2010, Senate conservatives fought back against the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda by forcing votes on important amendments. Rand Paul gave his position on these issues of importance to Kentucky voters — will Jack Conway?
Will Jack stand with Kentucky taxpayers and concerned citizens, or will he continue to dodge and evade, all the while [...]

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It has been said, with much truth, that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.   The U.S. Senate is set to prove that once again today, when it votes on HR 4173, the Dodd-Frank Financial “Reform” bill.
It is clear that in the time leading up to our financial and [...]

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BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY — According to the Lexington Herald Leader, U.S. Senate candidate Jack Conway has joined President Obama and liberal Democrat allies in Washington by calling for a massive tax increase beginning next year by reinstituting the Death Tax, which had been repealed during the Bush Administration.
This tax is one of the [...]

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BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY — Earlier this year, President Obama and Nancy Pelosi conspired to ram through their national healthcare scheme, forcing Americans into a trillion dollar government-controlled system.   Jack Conway, instead of joining with other Attorneys General to fight for Kentucky’s rights, instead embraced their government mandates.
Now, President Obama is making another extreme move in [...]

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Last week, President Obama gave a speech about our pressing illegal immigration problem. That speech was noteworthy because, for the first time after 18 months in office, he seemed to notice there IS a problem.

But we did not hear bold new programs. We did not hear many specifics on how our border can be controlled. Instead, we heard bluster, blame and broad platitudes where action is needed.

The same old political deals won’t work. In the 1980’s we were told, give us amnesty this one time and we’ll secure the borders. We gave the amnesty, but our borders are not secure.

This is a matter of national security, economic survival, and basic fairness. [...]

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How Not To Handle A Crisis

Published on 18 June 2010 by RyanH in Press Releases


Recently, the President disturbingly noted he was studying the crisis in the Gulf in an attempt to find our “whose *ss to kick.”  I’ll move past the obvious problem with the appropriateness of the comment to just say this: Look in the mirror Mr. President.
This crisis has been a case study in failure to lead, [...]

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Bowling Green, KY -  Jack Conway reached a new low for campaign hypocrisy, when he falsely attacked Dr. Rand Paul on the BP oil spill, while all the while taking in thousands of dollars of campaign cash from BP executives.  Of course, pretending to be on the right side of an issue while taking campaign [...]

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Bowling Green, Kentucky – Dr. Rand Paul today announced some key additions to his campaign team.
David Adams, formerly Campaign Manager, will assume the title of Campaign Chairman.  He will assume a larger role as top liaison for the candidate and will remain a senior strategist and ambassador for Rand Paul for Senate.
Jesse Benton, [...]

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Bowling Green, KY — Senate candidate Jack Conway has some questions to answer on the issues of worker freedom and taxpayer bailouts.
Dr. Rand Paul has taken a clear position alongside the 80% of Kentuckians who oppose forced unionism and support the Secret Ballot in union organizing elections. Jack Conway, on the other [...]

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Bowling Green, Kentucky - The national healthcare scheme passed by the Obama Administration is a threat to the health and freedom of millions of Kentuckians. Kentucky’s Attorney General, Jack Conway, not only refuses to stand up to Washington, he’s been one of the biggest cheerleaders of the Washington insiders as they plot to [...]

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