Rand won’t let up on ObamaCare

Published on 03 October 2009 by admin in General News


On Monday, October 5, President Barack Obama will have a White House photo-op with some doctors supportive of expanding government’s role in health care.

From the Obama press release: “The President and the doctors agree that inaction is no longer an option as so many people from all across America face rising costs and growing insecurity with their health insurance.”

One major problem with that: much of the “growing insecurity” is rooted in a fear that ObamaCare will work about as well as “Cash for Clunkers.” What’s worse is that when the ObamaCare money dries up, it won’t be shiny new cars left in the lurch. It will be flesh-and-blood Americans left dependent on a federal bureaucracy expanded in a hot panic to act without thinking and financed by the mother of all cold checks.

Rand Paul supports protecting the private elements of the American health care system from Washington D.C. insiders who would drain it of its vitality to increase their own power. Political opportunism always raises prices on regular people. Removing politics from this equation would increase the numbers of those able to take care of themselves while making it easier for government to step in and help the truly needy.

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