Enumerated Powers Make a Comeback

By Mona Charen

It was always for our own good. It was always for a very good reason. It was always within the American tradition of this, that, or the other.
That’s what they’ve told us, that’s how they’ve patronized us, for generations, as the long tendrils of the federal government have spread and multiplied into every [...]

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Supply-Side, the Next Generation

Even before its report was released, Washington hearts were aflutter and tongues were a-wagging about the Obama deficit reduction commission. The bipartisan blue-ribbon bunch solemnly vowed they would propose $3 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax increases, a ratio reminiscent of past tax-hiking budget agreements. Whatever fat is trimmed from the budget, overall [...]

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The political fantasyland of the ‘No Labels’ movement

By George F. Will
As the new political group No Labels convened in Manhattan, a judge was issuing a decision that illustrated why the group’s premise is preposterous and its pretense is cloying. The premise, obscured by gaseous rhetoric, is that political heat is inherently disproportionate. The complacent pretense is that it is virtuous to transcend the vice of [...]

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Dr. Coburn lists thousands of earmarks in the 2,000 page Omnibus spending bill.

Great work by Dr. Coburn’s team: A listing of the thousands of earmarks in the 2,000 page Omnibus spending bill being rushed to the house floor. The Senate needs to listen to the voices of the American people: Cut the wasteful spending. Stop the backroom deals. Read the bills.
Click [...]

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SELWESKI: Rand Paul is on the right track

A reality check finds that, minus fringe benefits, the gap is $81,000 to $50,000.Several studies have found that an apples-to-apples comparison of job categories substantially reduces — but doesn’t quite eliminate — the divide between public and private pay. The Washington bureaucracy is well paid because it is full of scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, accountants [...]

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Senator-Elect Rand Paul Announces Initial Staff Appointments

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In anticipation of the 112th Congress, Sen.-elect Rand Paul announced today the following hires to his official Senate office. This staff will be in place in early January 2011 to support Sen. Paul’s plans for an aggressive legislative agenda.
“Kentuckians sent a resounding message to Washington when they elected [...]

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Senator-Elect Rand Paul Statement on Obamacare Ruling

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In response to yesterday’s Virginia court ruling regarding the legality of President Obama’s oppressive health care legislation, Sen.-elect Rand Paul released the following statement today:

“I commend yesterday’s court decision in Virginia to stop the unconstitutional overreach of Obamacare. The individual mandate on American citizens to accept this [...]

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With our national debt over 12 trillion dollars, the deficit spending by Washington DC continues to mortgage fruits of our future labor to fund federal programs we don’t need and cannot afford. Rand Paul would fight to balance the budget and dramatically reduce spending, before further interest on our debt requires government to reach deeper into our pockets and into our children’s piggy bank.


As a doctor I have had first-hand experience with the vast problems facing health care in America. Like other areas of the economy where the federal government wields its heavy hand, health care is over-regulated and in need of serious market reforms. As Senator, I would ensure that real free market principles are applied to fix this problem.


With so much blame going around for the current financial crisis it is surprising that so few in the mainstream press have discussed the role of the Federal Reserve System. For too long the Federal Reserve has operated behind a shroud of mystery—as Senator I would make sure that all Americans understand the dangers of unsound monetary policy and shed light on this secretive organization.


The Federal Government must return to its constitutionally enumerated powers and restore our inalienable rights. America can prosper, preserve personal liberty, and repel national security threats without intruding into the personal lives of its citizens.


If we leave our energy policy to the special interests in Washington, we will never solve our energy problems. Our energy crisis stems from too much government intervention. The solution requires allowing businesses and ideas to compete.


I am 100% pro life. I believe abortion is taking the life of an innocent human being.
I believe life begins at conception and it is the duty of our government to protect this life. Read More about my Pro-Life stance HERE