Rand supports GOP unity

Published on 19 March 2010 by admin in General News


Rand Paul has just received a letter signed jointly by Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rep. Hal Rogers, Rep. Geoff Davis, Rep. Ed Whitfield and Rep. Brett Guthrie announcing a GOP Unity Rally for Saturday May 22 at Republican Party of Kentucky headquarters in Frankfort.

An excerpt:

“The competitive GOP primary in which you are currently engaged is a further sign of vitality of our party. Once the primary has concluded it will be essential for all Kentucky Republicans to unite around our nominee and work together toward victory this fall. We hope you will pledge to join us at a Unity Rally at Republican Headquarters the Saturday after the primary. By working together and ensuring Republican voters see a united party we can immediately begin the important task of preparing for victory this November.”

“Please let us know within a week of your commitment to join us on May 22 and pledge your unqualified support to our nominee.”

This letter was also sent to Rand’s primary opponent, whose weak campaign and false attacks have set Rand’s base of support on fire and added fuel to Rand’s message of balanced budgets, term limits, ending wasteful pork barrel spending and supporting a strong national defense.

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