Going “Cross Country” for Rand!
by Christi Gillespie

Franklin Co. volunteer, Andy Stone, recognized an opportunity to promote Dr. Rand Paul at a statewide cross country meet in Lexington this weekend. When Andy arrived at the meet with his son, a contestant, he noticed that there were thousands of people there from all over the state. He thought many had probably not yet heard about Rand. Andy contacted me to bring him literature to hand out to the many parents attending the meet. When I arrived there, people were streaming out and Andy and I stood at the gates for two hours handing out slim jims, and occasionally giving out a bumper sticker if someone asked for one. One lady said, “He’s my eye doctor and he has my vote!” Many people were excited upon receiving the material form us and stated “He already has my support!” Some were unaware of Dr. Paul and said “Thanks, we’ll check him out.” We may have been rained out from going door to door on Saturday morning, but we still reigned in support for Dr. Rand Paul!

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  4. Knock on Doors in Lexington with Rand this Saturday
  5. Rand Paul on Illegal Immigration

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