Letter to editor - “Paul helped son”

Published on 20 September 2010 by admin in In The Media


Below is a letter to the editor in the Courier Journal about Dr. Rand Paul.

I am not a political person but the Rand Paul  that I know changed my son’s life. On Memorial Day 2004 my son was poked in the eye with a car antenna. At the time he was only 4 years old. After driving to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in the middle of the night we were eventually referred to Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul performed cataract surgery and our son had to see Dr. Paul three times a week. He wore a patch until he was 7 but because Dr. Paul was current on the latest technology, only three hours a day. That made a huge difference for a little boy. Now my son is 11 and he has 20/20 vision. Dr. Paul was patient, kind, and understanding. I would trust him with my children.


Fishers, Ind. 46037

Source: http://bit.ly/aFaowe

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