Below is an Op-Ed that mentions Dr. Paul in the Washington Examiner.

On Tuesday, the American people sent a clear message. Now is the time for politicians in Washington to make hard choices, live within our means and reduce the size of government.

Republicans have wisely described these results as a second chance rather than a mandate. The question now is whether we take that chance or squander our opportunity.

Our top two priorities should be to rein in wasteful spending and begin the task of repealing and replacing the health care bill.

Obviously, other important issues can’t be ignored, such as passing pro-growth tax breaks, regulatory reform and other measures that will get businesses investing and hiring in the short term. Still, the solutions that will shape the future of the country and change the culture of Washington revolve around spending, health care and entitlements.

One lesson from the 1994 revolution is Republicans did a poor job of explaining to the American people why cutting spending and reducing the size of government itself is a positive, pro-growth agenda. We made it far too easy for the spending establishment to demagogue our efforts and co-opt Republican reformers. Today, that case should be easy to make.

In today’s economy, spending restraint is stimulus. Our debt is already so massive that it is slowing economic growth considerably, by one point of gross domestic product annually, which translates into 1 million jobs not created every year because we refuse to make hard choices. The best jobs bill, therefore, is a spending rescissions bill.

Of course, this begs the question: What do we cut? Republicans have to quickly move beyond talking-point campaign rhetoric and on to specifics if we are going to be successful. The good — and bad — news is there is a vast amount of waste and sheer stupidity in the federal budget to choose from.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/OpEd-Contributor/What-Republicans-can-accomplish-in-the-112th-Congress__-1457962-106722398.html#ixzz14hI67vfw

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