What NY-23 means to Kentucky

Published on 04 November 2009 by admin in General News


Conservatives across the country turned their attention in recent weeks to a Congressional race in upstate New York between a Democrat, a liberal Republican, and a third-party candidate. Yesterday, the Democrat won after the Republican had quit the race and endorsed the Democrat. Writer Erick Erickson correctly called this messy election a victory for conservatives:

“First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives. In 2008, many conservatives sat home instead of voting for John McCain. Now, in NY-23, conservatives rallied and destroyed the Republican candidate the establishment chose.”

“I have said all along that the goal of activists must be to defeat Scozzafava. Doug Hoffman winning would just be gravy. A Hoffman win is not in the cards, but we did exactly what we set out to do — crush the establishment backed GOP candidate.”

“For all intents and purposes, NY-23 is a trial run for Florida. And in Florida, the conservative candidate is operating inside the GOP. If John Cornyn and the NRSC do not want to see Florida go the way of NY-23, they better stand down.”

The Republican Party has succeeded when standing for more than the accumulation of power and failed when tossing aside principle for personalities. Rand Paul is leading in the latest public polling because he is gaining the trust of Kentuckians who want balanced budgets, honest, market-based health care solutions, and real job creation spurred by capitalism, not socialism.

Republican insiders have a little time to catch up with Kentucky Republicans. The NY-23 fiasco, however, should encourage them to get on board with Rand Paul pretty quickly.

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2 Responses to “What NY-23 means to Kentucky”

  1. [...] Republicans are melting down after selling out conservative Republicans and losing NY-23. It’s almost time for them to start issuing really goofy [...]

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