Obama blindsides Kentucky taxpayers

Published on 11 August 2009 by admin in General News


President Barack Obama released Tuesday a statement claiming to show how his health reform plan would benefit Kentuckians. It is full of nonsense. 

Obama claims forcing Kentuckians to buy health insurance or apply for subsidized coverage will “tackle” the problem of $1 billion in bad debt owed to medical providers and passed along to paying customers. To his credit, Obama does not say that giving bureaucrats greater control of the health system will eliminate or even lessen the financial burden as indeed it will not. Perhaps it depends on your definition of the word “tackle.”

Obama states that health insurance premiums in Kentucky have climbed 61% since 2000, then claims “through health insurance reform, 621,300 to 692,400 middle class Kentucky residents will be eligible for premium credits to ease the burden of these high costs.” This is just more “tackling.” Since costs aren’t being lowered — and are, indeed, expected to rise dramatically under ObamaCare - where does he think the money will come from to subsidize the premiums of so many people?

Obama claims health insurance will become more affordable for 55,229 small businesses in Kentucky through tax credits and a government-run health insurance “exchange.”

Obama says he will remove pricing discrimination based on health status and will prohibit lifetime coverage limits, both of which will raise premiums — and necessitate more taxpayer-funded subsidies.

There will be enough tackling in Kentucky during the upcoming football season. We don’t need the President of the United States coming down from Washington D.C. to sack us.

Dr. Rand Paul supports the removal of well-intended but failed government meddling in the private health decisions of Kentucky citizens. He opposes the Obama plan and looks forward to leading a constructive debate on the issue once the hype dies down.

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  1. Tear down this bill | Austrian Economics Blog says:

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  2. Obama blindsides Kentucky taxpayers | Austrian Economics Blog says:

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  3. Protecting Grandma | Austrian Economics Blog says:

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  6. Obama Fever Cured | Austrian Economics Blog says:

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  7. Obama supporter tells truth | Austrian Economics Blog says:

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  8. ObamaCare for Mr. Mom? | Austrian Economics Blog says:

    [...] Obama blindsides Kentucky taxpayers [...]

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